Adam Markovitz’s lifestyle article in the Los Angeles Times explores why Berkey® systems—which have long been championed by health-conscious households, preparedness experts and outdoor enthusiasts—have also recently gained a large and loyal following in trendy Los Angeles, California (ironically, a market that Berkey® systems aren’t even sold in).

In the article, several SoCal Berkey owners explain why they love their Berkey® systems so much. The piece also discusses the history of the brand and Berkey’s fight against the EPA’s puzzling 2022 reinterpretation of the agency’s own regulations that resulted in the EPA’s reclassification of popular Berkey® systems as pesticides, rather than water filters (the reclassification, in turn, prompted Berkey to sue the EPA. Litigation is currently pending).

Spread the Word—Share, Repost and Make Your Elected Representatives Aware of the EPA ’s Overreach
Our case is getting national attention, with an influential four-term congressman and several publications questioning the EPA’s motives:

The Bottom Line
Congress should engage the EPA and ask for justification of its unwarranted attack on Berkey®, the nation’s most trusted provider of gravity-fed household and outdoor water filters. As well, judges should recognize the Supreme Court’s most recent ruling that pushes back on agency overreach, and gives courts the authority to enforce the law and act in the best interests of the American people and American business.

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