Berkey® Product FAQs2023-12-13T13:52:42-06:00

Find answers to frequently asked questions about Berkey® products.

Berkey Light® Chamber Replacement Advisory

Berkey Light® water filtration systems have undergone many changes, as new tooling is required after a certain number of molded parts are made. Not all of the molds are the same, and therefore not all of the upper and lower system chambers are interchangeable. The most recent molds for the Berkey Light® system were [...]

Do Black Berkey® Elements Reduce Bromate?

Bromate is a disinfectant byproduct that is formed after bromine reacts with chemical oxidants such as ozone. This process can occur during the treatment of drinking water. While New Millennium Concepts, Ltd. has not conducted specific testing for bromate, our expectation is that reduction of bromate should occur for the following [...]

Does Hydrogen Peroxide Harm Black Berkey® Elements?

Hydrogen peroxide is versatile compound that can be used as an oxidizing agent, a disinfectant, an antimicrobial agent, a bleaching agent, and more. It is also commonly added to drinking water for disinfection purposes and to remove pollutants. While New Millennium Concepts, Ltd. has not conducted specific testing for hydrogen peroxide, [...]