Berkey® Product FAQs2023-12-13T13:52:42-06:00

Find answers to frequently asked questions about Berkey® products.

Do the Black Berkey® Elements Remove Estrogen From Water?

What are estrogenic compounds? “Estrogenic compounds are part of a larger category of chemicals known as endocrine-disruptors (EDCs), chemicals that can alter the hormonal and homeostatic systems enabling an organism—like a human being or other animal—to communicate with and respond to its environment.” What types of estrogen are found in [...]

Are Berkey® Systems Available in Iowa?

The state of Iowa has established regulations and procedures for the sale of water systems. Under this regulation, the state of Iowa requires that any water treatment system that is sold in the state first be certified by an independent, third-party testing agency, such as NSF, before the system can be considered [...]

Why Does Water Look Cloudy After Filtering Through Black Berkey® Elements?

A small number of customers have reported that their water (which was clear before filtering) appeared cloudy after filtering it through Berkey® systems equipped with Black Berkey® Elements, and in conjunction, some experience a very slow flow rate. NMCL sells a large number of Berkey® systems and replacement Black Berkey® Elements globally each year, yet [...]