The merits of adding fluoride to public water supplies have been debated for decades, but concerns about fluoride in drinking water have rapidly escalated in recent years after a couple of major studies questioned the effects of ingested fluoride’s effect on children.

In November, Florida Surgeon General Joseph A. Ladapo recommended that Florida cities end the practice of adding fluoride to the state’s public water supplies, citing concerns about fluoride’s effects on children’s IQ levels, rates of ADHD, and potential for increased neurobehavioral problems in children whose mothers ingested fluoride during pregnancy.

Watch the NBC News report to learn more:

Learn more about Florida Surgeon General Ladapo’s recommendations:

Berkey® Systems Give You an Option Regarding Reduction of Fluoride in Your Drinking Water

Some Berkey® Water Systems users are not concerned about fluoride in their drinking water or do not have fluoride added to the municipal water in their area or country. However, others believe exposure to fluoride in any way is a health hazard, and prefer to reduce the amount of fluoride in their water. That’s why we developed and offer the optional Berkey PF-2™ Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Elements that can be added to Berkey® systems.

Berkey PF-2™ Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Elements are designed to work in conjunction with Black Berkey® Elements to adsorb the following unwanted elements found in drinking water:

  • Fluoride: Sodium Fluoride, Sodium Fluorosilicate, Fluorosilicic Acid (aka Hydrofluorosilic Acid)
  • Arsenic: V and pre-oxidized Arsenic III
  • Other residual heavy metal ions

Berkey PF-2™ Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Elements simply attach to the bottom of Black Berkey® Elements and sit in the lower chamber of your Berkey® system. Each pair can filter up to 1,000 gallons of water before replacement is recommended, depending on quality of influent water.

Berkey® Systems—Trusted by Consumers Worldwide

Berkey® systems are used every day in homes around the world by discerning consumers who trust the quality of Berkey® systems to meet their drinking water needs. Berkey® systems are simple and easy to use and require no electricity, costly installation, tools or plumbing to operate—providing economical, long-lasting water filtration for just pennies a gallon. Berkey® systems equipped with Black Berkey® Elements have been tested by independent third-party labs to remove or dramatically reduce 200+ typical contaminants in water. Berkey® systems are available in seven sizes. Find an authorized Berkey® Dealer today.