When purchasing a gravity-fed water filter system, it’s the quality of the filter elements that matters most. Here’s why.

Before you buy, answer this:

  1. Are there specific contaminants you need to address?
  2. How can you be confident that you’re getting the right system for your needs?
  3. What makes Berkey® systems and authentic Black Berkey® Elements superior?

Are there specific contaminants you need to address?

Take control of your tap water

  • I’m worried about PFAS (man-made “forever chemicals” in our water)
  • I’m concerned about high levels of heavy metals such as lead
  • I’m concerned about corrosion and aging pipes
  • I want to be prepared for boil orders
  • I am in an area where radiologicals are a potential concern
  • I have a well, and want a final barrier solution
  • I want to get away from plastic bottles

Ensure clean water while enjoying the outdoors

  • I want to filter water from a nearby lake or stream while camping
  • I want a reliable final barrier for my RV
  • I’m concerned about ingesting contaminants in the water

Be prepared for emergencies

  • I want a system that can treat freshwater sources if a natural disaster hits
  • I want a system that can address a broad range of contaminants, including radiologicals
  • I need filters that can be stored for years and re-primed

How can you be confident that you’re getting the right gravity-fed water filter system for your needs?

Make this your checklist while shopping:

  • Make sure you’re getting top filtration-level performance
  • Carefully consider contaminant claims and demand to see test results from an accredited lab
  • Know how long filter elements last:
    • Is there is time limitation?
    • How many gallons?
  • Can the elements need to be re-primed if they dry out (or aren’t used every day)
  • Check manufacturer websites and marketplace listings for system capabilities/specifications
  • Watch out for conflicting information across packaging, websites and product listings
  • Understand the length of the warranty and if there are any major limitations/restrictions
  • Examine support options, and consider calling to examine your experience
  • Understand how the system works, and where it can (or can’t) be used
  • Evaluate if the system can process sufficient water quantities
    • For typical daily use, multiply the number of people in your group by .5 gallons
    • In an emergency, multiply the number of people in your group by one gallon (minimum amount generally required)

What makes Berkey® gravity-fed systems and Black Berkey® Elements superior?

There is no substitute for Berkey® quality. Berkey® systems equipped with authentic Black Berkey® Elements are an essential in today’s world: they “check all the boxes”, addressing the concerns listed above.

Black Berkey® Elements are Specially Formulated to Address 200+ Typical Contaminants Found in Tap Water and Other Freshwater Sources.
Our unique Black Berkey® Elements are made from a proprietary blend of media designed to work synergistically and target specific contaminants that far exceed the reduction capabilities of filters that are solely composed of activated carbon or ceramic materials. The gold standard in gravity-fed water filtration, authentic Black Berkey® Elements are capable of greater contaminant reduction and a longer lifespan than virtually any of the other filter elements on the market, and are an economical choice, averaging just pennies per gallon of filtered water.

Berkey® systems equipped with Black Berkey® Elements dramatically reduce trihalomethanes, inorganic minerals, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, VOCs, petroleum products, perfluorinated chemicals, rust, silt, sediment and even radiologicals.

Independently Tested
Berkey® Water Systems has used independent labs, tested multiple samples, and performed Extreme-Testing for Lead and PFC’s in order to review the effectiveness of our Black Berkey® Elements.

Outstanding Value
We recommend replacing Black Berkey® Elements every 3,000 gallons (6,000 per set of 2 elements). Elements may require replacement sooner based upon the quality of influent water. Plus, they can be re-primed for re-use if they dry out, making them ideal for travel or emergency/occasional use. Black Berkey® Elements are also economical—important in these uncertain times—for just pennies per gallon of filtered water.

Authentic Black Berkey® Elements are the Right Choice for Your Loved Ones

Available in 7 sizes, Berkey® water systems are made for the extreme, yet enjoyed every day. Powerful Black Berkey® Elements can easily filter tap water and other freshwater sources.